DDoS and resiliency testing
Auditing & IT-Risk Management
DDoS and resiliency testing in brief
Organizations should be prepared for distributed denial of service attacks as part of their daily operations and risk management. Acting in a real emergency situation goes well when practiced in advance — in conditions, that are as realistic as possible.
The overall goal of a simulated DDoS exercise can be, for example, to ensure:
- visibility and responsiveness
- countermeasures’ capabilities
- ability of large-scale cooperation
Various attack techniques and traffic volumes can be used to ensure:
- functionality of the “washer” service (ie. gigabit class and SYN flooding)
- resilience of application delviery or load balancing appliances and various non-operator-level devices (ie. megabit class or protocol level)
- application resilience (ie. kilobit class or Layer 7)
An essential part in DDoS simulation and preparation is communication between the numerous stakeholders. These include e.g. telecom operators, owners of active network devices along the way, service providers, application partners, SOC and monitoring partners, and business owners.
What Mint Security delivers
We have the skills to deliver overall planning and coordination of a complete DDoS exercise, on a turnkey basis. We take care of the implementation of the RedWolf platform for you and manage its use. We review the targets and assist in planning of the test cases. We map the risks, help to prepare for them and predict — with sufficient accuracy — what could go wrong. We also know how to prepare for surprises, because we’ve done this before.
Alternatively, we can offer our special expertise related to the RedWolf platform at your disposal, while you take care of project management and coordination of operations.
We have an ever-burning desire to understand Your company’s business, and that’s why we know how to put things in a reasonable context. We plan, coordinate and follow up on the details.
Once the preparations are concluded, it’s time to go live! We carry out the test according to plan, follow up the progress, holding our customer’s hand. We will prepare a final report and hold a lessons learned session with you, where we will go over the course of the exercise in detail, the test cases and realized outcomes, and the challenges encountered.
Mint Security delivers simulated DDoS attacks and exercises together with RedWolf Security, across Europe.

Our methods and tools
On high level, practicing and preparing for a managed distributed denial of service attack exercise means completing the following tasks:
- Deciding on the strategic goals of the exercise
- Design of the test cases (defining targets, types of attacks, volume, duration, etc.)
- Deciding what needs to be measured (application response time, tolerances for service availability, interference with other services, etc.)
- Creating a risk list
- Presenting the exercise plan to all stakeholders
- Processing the risk list and carrying out the necessary mitigations
- Creating and visualizing the test cases, according to the script
- Obtaining the necessary mandates and permissions to carry out the testing
- Coordinating and scheduling the exercise with all stakeholders
- Deciding the roles for the big day (who is in charge, whose job is to observe and what and how, who pushes the buttons, etc.)
- Performing the exercise
Preparations for a simulated DDoS attack, carrying out the exercise and conducting aftercare can typically take a couple of months in calendar time, as a whole. Signing of all the required permits takes time — unless you don’t happen to own every piece of fiber and all of the switches along the way. The actual launch day should be decided well ahead – and also reserve a spare date for it as well.
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Live DDoS Webinar 8.6.2022 14:00
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Perform real DDoS attacks Wide range of use-cases available Model, test, report World-class DDoS and resiliency testing for your services RedWolf is the premium cloud-DDoS