
Mint Security Oy has achieved ISO/IEC 27001:2022 certification
On December 9, 2024, Mint Security Oy achieved ISO/IEC 27001:2022 certification. With this certification, we want to show that we take the trust our customers

Team Mint participated in Giro d’Espoo 2022
Team Mint was founded after a few beers back in 2018. We ride together each year in the Giro d’Espoo event.

Kevätterveiset Team Larunpyörä Cervélo sponsorijoukkueeltamme
Pyöräilykausi 2022 on käynnistynyt ja pari ensimmäistä kotimaista kisaakin on jo käyty. Vähitellen hiipuva koronapandemia ja runsasluminen talvi muokkasivat tiimin talvikauden treenejä hieman aikaisemmasta poikkeavaan muotoon.

Webinar: Domain hijacking – a prevalent problem
The threat landscape is constantly changing as cybercriminals continually try to avoid detection, and increase the number of legitimate resources they can utilize. Recently domain hijacking has become more prevalent. Every day this year, Spamhaus has observed over a 100 hijacked domains at one single domain registrar.

Mint Security to resell Spamhaus services
Mint Security starts to resell and support Spamhaus’s services in Finland. Block lists provided by Spamhaus protect 3 billion mailboxes every day. Spamhaus also operates in DNS services and BGP routers.

In the red corner Corona – in the blue corner the rest of the world
The effects of Corona spares no one. We are all affected, both larger and smaller companies and businesses. As far as the virus goes, we here at Mint are fully operational and workwise the probability of getting sick is smaller than for many others.