- Perform real DDoS attacks
- Wide range of use-cases available
- Model, test, report
World-class DDoS and resiliency testing for your services
RedWolf is the premium cloud-DDoS testing provider. Together with Mint Security, RedWolf offers an easy-to-use testing system that is guided by experts with years of experience helping secure the world’s largest and most complex enterprise networks. Mint Security delivers simulated DDoS attacks and exercises together with RedWolf Security, across Europe.
The capabilities of RedWolf are extreme; unlimited number of agents, unlimited attack sizes, vast array of attack vectors, and tremendous real-time control.
RedWolf helps to elevate your company’s cyber defence skills and increases understanding of the cyber defence controls that improve your capabilities over time. Whether your organization is in the early stages of network defensive systems evaluation, optimizing the current security architecture or ready to take security to the next level, RedWolf and Mint Security can create a customized solution – tailored for Your business’ needs.

RedWolf Platform is the de facto cloud traffic generator for many organizations. An easy-to-use self-serve interface allows unlimited users to manage a library of unlimited tests. Platform is multi-user and available 24/7. Shared agents – which can be used to perform a multitude of tasks such DDoS traffic generation, monitoring and discovery – are also always available.
These applications and services are delivered on the platform:
Understand your service footprint and service risk – globally. RedWolf discovery application is a service scanner that builds a detailed database of assets and identifies vulnerabilities. Both internet-facing and internal services can be discovered. External vulnerability scanners can also be orchestrated with this application.
The RedWolf modeling tools allows you to describe the services that will be tested and visualize the data with defences, networks, vendors, people, skills and their relationships. When a service is modeled, the platform is able to give you a recommended testing strategy. The collaborative platform can become a main repository for all network diagrams and service views.
High-resolution monitoring delivers precise information about the performance and latency of your services, as they are tested. This information can help finding gaps in defences and allocate resources correctly and cost-effectively.
You can do application testing, insider threat simulations, security vendor and service testing, DDoS on layers 2-7. Spidering, custom exploits, API – you name it. RedWolf has more than enough capacity to fulfill every imaginable security testing need.
Cloud-hosted incident response portal is a collaborative tool and anyone can be allowed access to it. You can centralize and standardize response procedures and situational awareness all into one single platform. During testing, the portal is used to gather evidence and collect observations.

Live DDoS Webinar 8.6.2022 14:00
Elämme palvelunestohyökkäyksien kulta-aikaa. Tällä hetkellä eri organisaatioiden resilisenssiä mitataan todellisuudessa – näkyvästi ja näkymättömästi. Mint Security, RedWolf Security ja Imperva järjestävät yhdessä erittäin ajankohtaisen webinaarin, jossa käsitellään palvelunestohyökkäyksiä ja suojautumiskeinoja.

Palvelunestohyökkäys on ystävä
Onko absurdia ajatella, että palvelunestohyökkäys voisi olla positiivinen? Ei suinkaan. Silloin, kun on kyse harkitusta ja hyvin suunnitellusta harjoituksesta, jossa riskit on arvioitu, on kyse hyvinkin positiivisesta asiasta. Tärkeää on kuitenkin juuri harkinta ja riskien hallinta.