Tag: Splunk

Splunk vulnerabilities and trust boundaries blo

Splunk vulnerability analysis – CVE-2024-29946 & CVE-2024-29945

Splunk vulnerability analysis – CVE-2024-29946 & CVE-2024-29945 in relation to a common threat model. DISCLAIMER – The author of this blog shall not be held responsible for any negative outcomes that may occur as a result of following advice given in this blog. Caveat emptor – use advice and ideas presented in this blog at your own risk.

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Splunk and Auditd

Splunk & Auditd with Defender ATP and Vulnerability Scanning

This blog post offers a few simple tricks and tips that will ensure that your security controls do not interfere with each other. The tricks are not really tricks, just plain old configurations which offers food for thought. As we know, Splunk is the most complex beast of a software out there.

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Splunk & Ansible

Installing Splunk with Ansible

Managing a Splunk installation can be a complex task, but with proper tools and processes, it will become a lot more approachable. Recently, a customer wanted to have a Splunk environment that they could install and manage with Ansible. So that is what we created.

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Mint Splunk Consulting Services

Mint Splunk Consulting Services

Mint Security tarjoaa Splunkia käyttäville erilaisia lisäarvollisia Splunk konsultointipalveluita jolla saadaan omasta ympäristöstä kaikki irti – turvallisesti.

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Scaling and managing Splunk Enterprise Installation

Clustered Splunk Enterprise installations are mainly managed by the related management nodes. Indexer Cluster with the Cluster Master and Search Head Cluster with the Search Head Cluster Deployer. Without an additional process of change management, there is no way to easily track down what has been changed, by who and when.

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Team Mint at BOTS 2019 Helsinki

Third place in Splunk BOTS 13.3.2019

Team Mint Security participated in the BOTS or BOSS of the SOC event which took place in Helsinki on the 13th of March. BOSS of the SOC is a Capture-the-flag (CTF) event using Splunk technology.

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Minted by Splunk

Mint Security is a Splunk partner and a license reseller. In addition, Mint Security provides a vast range of überconsulting for Splunk. From a single server to clustered multisite setups with integrated SSO and 2FA.

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